Unlock the full potential of Myers & Briggs

Plus DISC & Holland Occupational Code Combined

Get your own free MAP™ Summary report in 15 minutes or less.

Unlock the full potential of Myers & Briggs

Plus DISC & Holland Occupational Code Combined

Get your own free MAP™ Summary report in 15 minutes or less.

Why Combine Three Assessments?

People are multi-faceted, and a one-size-fits-all approach falls short.

We created the Multi-Assessment Profile (MAP™) to give you a more complete picture, providing you with richer insights to make better decisions in hiring and management.

Why Combine Three Assessments?

People are multi-faceted, and a one-size-fits-all approach falls short.

We created the Multi-Assessment Profile (MAP™) to give you a more complete picture, providing you with richer insights to make better decisions in hiring and management.

Harnessing the Power of Myers & Briggs

Gain deeper insights into candidate potential, ensuring a better fit for specific roles.

Craft tailored employee development plans based on personality traits, improving job satisfaction and performance.

Understand your team's communication styles, fostering better collaboration and reducing conflicts.

Form cohesive and productive teams by leveraging personality insights for optimal group dynamics and performance.

Harnessing the Power of Myers & Briggs

Hiring Excellence

Gain deeper insights into candidate potential, ensuring a better fit for specific roles.

Personalized Development

Craft tailored employee development plans based on personality traits, improving job satisfaction and performance.

Effective Communication

Understand your team's communication styles, fostering better collaboration and reducing conflicts.

Team Synergy

Form cohesive and productive teams by leveraging personality insights for optimal group dynamics and performance.

Enhancing Myers-Briggs with DISC: A Deeper Insight into Workplace Dynamics

DISC Assessment

Behavioral Insights
Adding DISC to Myers Briggs enhances behavioral insights by providing a more comprehensive understanding of an individual's behavior in a professional context.
Communication Styles
DISC unveils individuals' preferred communication approaches, helping teams streamline interactions and foster better understanding.
Leadership Development
DISC serves as a valuable tool in designing personalized leadership development programs, pinpointing behavioral strengths and areas for growth to enhance leadership effectiveness.


Behavioral Insights
Adding DISC to Myers Briggs enhances behavioral insights by providing a more comprehensive understanding of an individual's behavior in a professional context.
Communication Styles
DISC unveils individuals' preferred communication approaches, helping teams streamline interactions and foster better understanding.
Leadership Development
DISC serves as a valuable tool in designing personalized leadership development programs, pinpointing behavioral strengths and areas for growth to enhance leadership effectiveness.

The Synergy of Holland Occupational Code with Myers & Briggs

Holland Occupational Codes

Job Compatibility
Holland Occupational Codes add an extra layer of understanding by connecting interests (of the individual) with career paths, rounding out the introspective and interpersonal insights gained from Myers Briggs and DISC.
Employee Engagement
Ensure that your employees' career interests align with your business goals, improving job satisfaction and retention rates.
Team Building
Holland Occupational Code aids in creating balanced, effective teams which enhances problem-solving and collaboration.

Holland Occupational Codes

Job Compatibility
Holland Occupational Codes add an extra layer of understanding by connecting interests (of the individual) with career paths, rounding out the introspective and interpersonal insights gained from Myers Briggs and DISC.
Employee Engagement
Ensure that your employees' career interests align with your business goals, improving job satisfaction and retention rates.
Team Building
Holland Occupational Code aids in creating balanced, effective teams which enhances problem-solving and collaboration.

Combining Myers & Briggs' with DISC and Holland Occupational Code paints a holistic portrait of your candidates and employees.

Trusted by Companies Worldwide

Experience the MAP™ Difference Today!

Don't miss the opportunity to elevate your workforce's potential. Get started with a Unlock Your Free MAP™ Summary

Unleash the Power of MAP™ for Smarter Hiring, Management, and Team Building!

What Our Clients Have to Say

"Our staff retention rates have remarkably improved since adding Talent Insights to our hiring process. We highly recommend Talent Insights for any organization looking to build a better team with much better processes."

- Paul V., CEO

"Our staff retention rates have remarkably improved since adding Talent Insights to our hiring process. We highly recommend Talent Insights for any organization looking to build a better team with much better processes."

- Paul V., CEO

"This actually dove into what people were really good at and it helped me figure out which 'seat on the bus' they fit in. It has made the company a lot more profitable and we are growing and working [more productively]."

- Pamela S., Director of Operations

"This actually dove into what people were really good at and it helped me figure out which 'seat on the bus' they fit in. It has made the company a lot more profitable and we are growing and working [more productively]."

- Pamela S., Director of Operations

"Before using Talent Insights, our hiring and management decisions were more of a trial and error situation... But the MAP helps us to connect with our team members and quickly understand how they tick."

- Sandra M., VP of HR

"Before using Talent Insights, our hiring and management decisions were more of a trial and error situation... But the MAP helps us to connect with our team members and quickly understand how they tick."

- Sandra M., VP of HR

Get Unlimited MAPs™ for $1500 per year

Normally $3,500 - Get it now and save, comes with a 2-year rate guarantee. Plus a 100% Money Back Guarantee in the first 30 days.