Candidate Comparison Tool

Compare candidates to a job description to better understand how personality traits can influence performance in a role you are hiring for.

Improve Your Hiring Confidence

When you compare a candidate’s MAP results to your customized job description, you get a comprehensive analysis of how their core attributes and soft skills can influence potential success and determine best fit.

Candidate Comparison Tool

Compare candidates to a job description to better understand how personality traits can influence performance in a role you are hiring for.

Improve Your Hiring Confidence

When you compare a candidate’s MAP results to your customized job description, you get a comprehensive analysis of how their core attributes and soft skills can influence potential success and determine best fit.


The Candidate Comparison Tool

  • Helps you generate a job description with cutting-edge AI or use your expertise to write your own.
  • Gives you a side by side comparison of each candidate in regards to the specific job description.
  • Looks beyond technical skills and qualifications to show potential strengths and challenges.


The Candidate Comparison Tool

  • Helps you generate a job description with cutting-edge AI or use your expertise to write your own.
  • Gives you a side by side comparison of each candidate in regards to the specific job description.
  • Looks beyond technical skills and qualifications to show potential strengths and challenges.

Easy To Use

Write Your Job Description

Choose to auto-generate a job description using cutting-edge AI or write your own.

Select Your Candidates

Choose 1-3 candidates to compare and evaluate their best fit for the role you are hiring for.

Create a New Comparison

With one simple click, the Candidate Comparison tool evaluates how MAP traits can influence performance.

Easy To Use

Write Your Job Description

Choose to auto-generate a job description using cutting-edge AI or write your own.

Select Your Candidates

Choose 1-3 candidates to compare and evaluate their best fit for the role you are hiring for.

Create a New Comparison

With one simple click, the Candidate Comparison tool evaluates how MAP traits can influence performance.

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Our Guarantee

2-Year Price Guarantee, plus a 100% Money Back Guarantee in your first 30 days.

Our Guarantee

2-Year Price Guarantee, plus a 100% Money Back Guarantee in your first 30 days.