Talent Insights Report

Our Multi-Assessment Profile (MAP) integrates three proven assessments – Myers & Briggs, DISC, and Holland Code. Harness the assessment-driven results for unmatched insights into employee potential.

Understand Personality Traits, Behavior and Career Alignment

People are multi-faceted and a one-size-fits-all approach falls short. The report gives you a complete picture of someone’s personality, work style, and vocational preferences – helping you make better decisions in hiring and management.

Talent Insights Report

Our Multi-Assessment Profile (MAP) integrates three proven assessments – Myers & Briggs, DISC, and Holland Code. Harness the assessment-driven results for unmatched insights into employee potential.

Understand Personality Traits, Behavior and Career Alignment

People are multi-faceted and a one-size-fits-all approach falls short. The report gives you a complete picture of someone’s personality, work style, and vocational preferences – helping you make better decisions in hiring and management.


Results from Three Perspectives

  • Summary Report – a concise overview, perfect for sharing or quick reference.
  • Executive Report – a detailed view to inform critical hiring and management decisions.
  • Personal Report – a focus on personal development and self-awareness.


Results from Three Perspectives

  • Summary Report – a concise overview, perfect for sharing or quick reference.
  • Executive Report – a detailed view to inform critical hiring and management decisions.
  • Personal Report – a focus on personal development and self-awareness.

Easy to Get Started


Take the assessment in just 15 minutes and immediately access the report in your Talent Insights portal account.

Send an assessment to candidates and everyone on your team to harness the full power of the hiring and management tools!

Easy to Get Started

Take the assessment in just 15 minutes and immediately access the report in your Talent Insights portal account.

Send an assessment to candidates and everyone on your team to harness the full power of the hiring and management tools!

Stop wasting time and money on bad hires.

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Stop wasting time and money
on bad hires.

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Our Guarantee

2-Year Price Guarantee, plus a 100% Money Back Guarantee in your first 30 days.

Our Guarantee

2-Year Price Guarantee, plus a 100% Money Back Guarantee in your first 30 days.