Did you know that personality shapes how we think, work, and communicate? According to Myers and Briggs theory, there are 16 distinct personality types, each with its own unique blend of traits arranged in a specific order of cognitive functions. The first trait is the one a person uses most often and feels most comfortable with. The second trait helps balance and support the first one. The third and fourth traits are not as strong and can be areas where a person may need to grow or face challenges. Today we are focusing on how introverted and extroverted thinking impact work and communication styles. Here's a breakdown of which types have either Introverted Thinking or Extroverted Thinking as their dominant or supporting traits: See if you can spot whether you're an introverted thinker or and extroverted thinker.

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Who Are the Introverted Thinkers?

Type Thinking Style Dominant Trait Supporting Trait
ISTP Introverted Ti (Thinking) Se (Sensing)
INTP Introverted Ti (Thinking) Ne (Intuition)
ESTP Introverted Se (Sensing) Ti (Thinking)
ENTP Introverted Ne (Intuition) Ti (Thinking)

Introverted Thinking at Work

ISTPs are practical problem-solvers who excel in analyzing complex situations. They have a hands-on approach to learning and are adaptable in finding efficient solutions in real-time. Skilled at identifying inconsistencies in systems or processes, ISTPs thrive in environments that allow them to apply their analytical skills. INTPs have strong analytical skills, able to dissect abstract concepts or ideas. They are innovative thinkers who enjoy exploring new possibilities and theories. Highly independent, INTPs are capable of deep focus on tasks that interest them, often excelling in intellectual or research-oriented roles. ESTPs are action-oriented individuals who excel at quick decision-making in fast-paced environments. They possess keen observational skills, are adept at reading situations and people effectively. ESTPs are strong practical problem-solvers and are highly adaptable, adjusting to new information or changing circumstances with ease. ENTPs are creative thinkers who generate innovative ideas and solutions. They excel at spotting trends, patterns, and connections between seemingly unrelated concepts. ENTPs enjoy engaging in intellectual debates, challenging assumptions, and navigating complex situations. They are highly adaptable and resourceful, thriving in dynamic and uncertain environments.

How Introverted Thinkers Communicate

ISTPs communicate in a concise and straightforward manner. They prefer to focus on the facts and are often direct in expressing their thoughts, ensuring clarity in their message. INTPs communicate in a precise and logical manner. They value clarity and accuracy in their expression, often ensuring that their message is well-structured and free of ambiguity. ESTPs communicate in a direct and engaging manner. They are able to articulate their ideas clearly, ensuring that their message is easily understood by others. ENTPs communicate in a persuasive and stimulating manner. They are skilled at presenting their ideas in a logical structure, often captivating their audience with their compelling arguments and insights.

Who Are the Extroverted Thinkers?

Type Thinking Style Dominant Trait Supporting Trait
ESTJ Extroverted Te (Thinking) Si (Sensing)
ENTJ Extroverted Te (Thinking) Ni (Intuition)
ISTJ Extroverted Si (Sensing) Te (Thinking)
INTJ Extroverted Ni (Intuition) Te (Thinking)

Extroverted Thinking at Work

ENTJs are natural leaders who thrive in strategic and managerial roles. They are adept at setting goals, making plans, and executing them efficiently. They are ambitious, driven, and focused on the big picture, often using their intuition to spot opportunities and potential challenges. ESTJs are pragmatic and detail-oriented, often taking on roles that require excellent organizational and time management skills. They excel at creating and maintaining structure and order, ensuring that tasks are completed on time and to high standards. They thrive in environments where they can use their logical and analytical abilities to solve problems. Although introverted, INTJs exhibit strong extroverted thinking when it comes to planning and executing their ideas. They are strategic and analytical, often excelling in roles that require complex problem-solving and long-term planning. They are independent and self-motivated, able to work effectively with minimal supervision. ISTJs are diligent and responsible, often taking on roles that require a high level of attention to detail and adherence to rules and procedures. They are methodical and thorough in their approach to tasks, ensuring that they are completed accurately and efficiently. They thrive in structured environments and prefer routine and predictability in their work.

How Extroverted Thinkers Communicate

ENTJs are skilled at presenting their ideas clearly and persuasively. They are confident communicators, able to articulate complex concepts and engage others in thoughtful discussion. They are also good at reading people and adjusting their communication style to be most effective with different individuals. ESTJs are direct and straightforward communicators, able to convey their thoughts and opinions in a concise and unambiguous manner. They are skilled at establishing clear expectations and providing constructive feedback. Their ability to stay focused on the task at hand helps them facilitate productive discussions and resolve conflicts. INTJs are clear, concise communicators who value efficiency in their interactions. They are adept at analyzing complex information and presenting it in an accessible way, helping others understand their thought process and rationale. While they may not be as outgoing or expressive as other extroverted thinkers, they are skilled at providing thoughtful and well-reasoned input in discussions. ISTJs are clear and precise communicators, able to convey information in a structured and logical manner. They are adept at providing factual information and concrete examples to support their arguments. While they may not be as outwardly expressive as other extroverted thinkers, their communication is typically well-organized and easy to follow.

Is your Workplace Using the Gifts of Introverted and Extroverted Thinkers?

In this article, we've touched upon the characteristics of Introverted and Extroverted Thinkers in the workplace, which might have reminded you of someone you work with daily. To gain deeper insights into the strengths of your employees, colleagues or even yourself, consider taking our free MAP™ assessment. This evaluation will provide you with a comprehensive understanding of your personality type, including your key motivators and behaviors. By identifying natural work styles, you'll discover the roles in which you can genuinely excel and flourish.